Tuesday, October 30, 2012


It's been a while since I posted anything!  I've been busy preparing for our Halloween party tomorrow (pictures and details to come!) and dealing with lack of electricity (the power was out all of Saturday and half of Sunday. There was also no water at that time!).  That was interesting... at first, I was like, "Yeah, Peace Corps experience!" and I was very creative and actually pretty productive with no power.  Two groups of students came over to bake on Saturday (we made pancakes on the gas stove) and one group cooked me a delicious lunch of Chinese food (they went to their dorm, got buckets, and found water somewhere...).  I painted a picture, rented a bike, graded some homework, and at night I read Game of Thrones on my Nook (luckily it was fully charged).  The next day, however, I started to feel a little disgruntled and well, dirty! I wanted to shower! Luckily the electricity and water came back after lunch.

  Here are two sentences from my students' homework:
1. As Ann was sitting in the sun, an ant climbed up on her body and attacked her.
2. Meat is also our human growth the necessary food.

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