Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Commencement and my new apartment

Monday we officially became Peace Corps Volunteers after our swearing-in ceremony!!!  We are now part of the China 18 team. It felt like graduation all over again- speeches and then running around taking tons of pictures with my friends. I’m really going to miss everyone but I’m glad we had a fun last day together.
My university supervisor/contact person, Kerry, came to the ceremony.  He waited for me to say all my goodbyes and give all my hugs (which took a while because there are so many awesome people in our group!), and then we packed up my stuff in his car and we drove to Jiangyou, my home for the next two years.  Monday evening and Tuesday I spent with Kerry doing errands in town: shopping for groceries and stuff for the apartment, getting registered at the local police department, getting a haircut (more on that later)…
He also helped me get my shower and toilet fixed.  It’s really funny about the shower because the cord on the new shower head is not as long as the previous one so the water doesn’t come out very high, and I have to bend my knees in order to rinse my hair under the shower head. I guess the plus side is that I will have strong thighs from having to squat in my shower! 
The toilet I had at first flushed but you had to lift the lid off the water tank and pull a string, which was kind of gross. I feel like when that’s happened at my parents’ house a plumber can fix it without replacing the toilet, but yesterday there was a box outside my apartment with my brand new toilet! I’m not complaining though because I don’t have to pay for it and now I have a shiny new one. 
Everything in the apartment was rather dirty when I got here, just from being unused for the past few months since the previous volunteer vacated the apartment.  The bathtub had nasty white residue and the sink had black gunk.  But with some bathroom cleaner and a handy sponge, they are clean now!  I’m taking advantage of this free time before teaching starts to clean everything.  I feel that maybe I am being a little OCD about cleaning every surface but I know that once teaching starts I will be very busy and I won’t be able to clean as often.  Plus I kind of enjoy it, because it’s making my home nicer.  I don’t know if the previous volunteer got lazy or just didn’t care anymore, because some of the stuff that grossed me out when I first got here has been defeated once I gave it a good scrub. 
Another quirk in my apartment is washer/dryer.  To fill the washer, I have to hook up a plastic pipe to the sink faucet and turn on the water which then fills it. Then once the cycle is complete, I have to turn a dial to indicate that the machine should empty the water… which unfortunately causes it to drain out of a hose onto the floor!  I was able to aim the hose at the Chinese toilet which is basically a porcelain hole in the ground so it all went down the hole, but I had to stand there with the hose for about ten minutes for all that water to drain out.  The clothes don’t get wrung in the washer so you pull them out and they are dripping wet. The dryer can only be set for up to five minutes at a time, and after letting it run two cycles, I gave up and just put everything on hangers.  Luckily clothes dry fast because of the heat.  I had to hang all my clothes at my Chengdu host family’s house, too, so that’s nothing new, but at least their washer wrings out the clothes first.  Oh and when I was hanging up my clothes, the shirt I was wearing got really wet.  I am just grateful to have a washer at all (I know one volunteer who was just given a washboard and a bucket!)  Let’s just say that washing clothes will be an adventure!!
Oh yeah, my haircut yesterday was the best haircut experience I’ve ever had! First I lay down on this bed and the hairdresser washed my hair with warm water and massaged my hair with shampoo for a good fifteen minutes.  Ahh it was so relaxing I almost fell asleep!  He cut my hair and then spent about ten minutes drying it in a way that the ends curled in.  Then he had a coworker take a picture of us, and said that anytime I need a haircut, I can go back there and get it for free!  Foreigner discount, cha-ching!!
Pictures of my apartment to come. I realize now that I should have taken some before pictures so you could see all the dirt and gunk but you’ll just have to take my word for it.  Just know it was pretty gross.

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