Friday, January 18, 2013

Where I'm at Now

This is my most recent doodle, and it’s kind of where I am right now.  I wrote: “I want more from life than mediocre days.  I yearn for newness and discovery.  I want to keep learning every day.”  This is a reminder to myself to not become complacent.  You may be thinking, “How could she be complacent? She’s living abroad and serving in the Peace Corps!”  Yes, I am living some of my dreams. But when you are in any place long enough things become familiar and it’s easy to slip into a routine. I don’t want to stop learning and experiencing wonder just because I have gotten used to being here.  It’s a reminder to keep staying positive and to keep challenging myself.  It’s also a reminder to keep pushing on even when things get tough or frustrating (which is often).  

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