Thursday, December 20, 2012


Today I played Christmas bingo with my students.  I hadn't played this before because I didn't want to print a bunch of bingo cards, but today it hit me that I could just have the students draw their own! Of course!!I had already showed them my Christmas PowerPoint  so I just drew each word on the board and had them tell me what it is.  They remembered most of them, so it was a good way to review.  Then I had them draw a bingo card with four boxes by four boxes (16 total).  I had written all the words an separate pieces of paper, so then I pulled the papers out of a box.  The students really liked it, and it took me less than five minutes to prepare! I just came up with a list of Christmas words.  The only problem is that for some reason the same papers kept getting chosen so the same people were winning, until I said you couldn't win more than once.  If you do this, make sure your students draw the square right- some were just drawing pictures without boxes, or they only had 2x4.  I will definitely do this again for other holidays!

My list:

  1. angel
  2. bell
  3. present
  4. Christmas tree
  5. star
  6. Santa Claus
  7. Santa hat
  8. snowflake
  9. reindeer
  10. sleigh
  11. hot chocolate
  12. stocking
  13. holly
  14. snowman
  15. wreath
  16. candle
  17. candy cane
  18. ornament
  19. bow
  20. Christmas lights

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