Thursday, November 29, 2012

"That's so cute!!"

This, apparently, is my new catchphrase.  I just can't help myself when I see certain things, and China is just overflowing with an abundance of cute things.  They make everything cute- pens, gloves, scarves, notebooks- everything has cute animals or happy flowers.  At least once a class period as I walk around the class, I point at something a student has and exclaim excitedly, "Aw that's so cute!"  My students think it's very funny and they always laugh.  The example from today was gloves shaped like alligators.  Even the lights in my apartment's living room have little star lights that twinkle blue, pink, and green.  What can I say, I guess I'm a child a heart, and little cute things make me happy.

I'll have to take some pictures of the cuteness so you can share the experience.

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