Saturday, July 14, 2012

A note on my posts

PS I don't know why certain parts of my blog show up in white. I am not doing that on purpose so I am sorry if it bothers you! Just highlight the text with your cursor and it will be easier to read.

Also, I hope no one is expecting a post every other day! I have language training and TEFL training every day, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to about 5:30. I come home sweaty and exhausted, take a shower, eat with my host family, then study until my brain turns to mush (around 9:30 or 10) and then sleep.  Peace Corps training is definitely one of the most intense experiences I have had. We even have four hours of language class every Saturday!! My goal is to write a blog posting at least once a week.  I am definitely not complaining, in fact I relish the challenge and I am enjoying the opportunity for growth. I just want to keep things real for everyone!

Please send me your questions about my experience!