Thursday, June 28, 2012

Previously I had said that I would have Pre-Departure Orientation in Washington, DC, but it was actually changed to Los Angeles. That's tomorrow!! WOW! So crazy. I am so ready for this next big adventure in my life, and I want to thank all my wonderful friends for making my last weeks in the US so memorable. I will depart accompanied by a sheaf of thoughtful letters from friends, a stack of 4"x6" photographs, and countless memories that include travel in Europe, dinners out, country line dancing, movie nights, and random goofiness.  And of course my family has been very supportive and I thank them also.

I have no idea what to expect and sometimes the weight of that thought is rather intimidating and hard to bear. But then I take a deep breath and remember that I have overcome challenging situations before and traveled to many countries. I just have to take it one day and especially one moment at a time. Mostly I am just super excited and I just can't wait to see what these two years have in store for me!!!!!

Goodbye USA, and Ni Hao China!!!!!